You can say what you like about Woody Allen. You can say that he's a pervert, or a sex-pest, or a paedophile. You can say that he's a talentless, neurotic, self-indulgent twat. You can say that it was disgusting that he took naked photos of his step-daughter. You can say that he was sick to then have a relationship with her. You may well say that he is a sad old freak who should have stopped making films thirty years ago. You may say that Melinda and Melinda is one of the worst things you've ever seen in your whole fucking life. You can say what you like about him, but at the end of the day... hm, I forget my point.
Oh that's right, I remember, he's probably going to die soon. Whoopee!
Predictor: Dr. Seamus, Brighton
Mortality Status: Alive